Tag keamanan botol adalah salah satu jenis tag keras keamanan EAS, yang juga dibagi menjadi mode AM (58KHz) dan RF (8.2MHz).
Tag keamanan botol anggur bundar umumnya RF (8.2MHz), karena koil RF datar, lebih cocok untuk ditempatkan di tag bentuk datar, dan karena batang magnet AM berbentuk silinder, tidak cocok untuk ditempatkan dalam tag bentuk dalam ini.
Triangular wine bottle security tag are generally AM, because the AM magnetic bar is cylindrical, it is more suitable for such tags with large space.
According to the length of the rope, the bottle security tag can generally be divided into 16-17cm, or 45-47cm, of course, we can also customize it according to the special needs of customers.
The tag of short rope is generally suitable for bottles with relatively small calibers such as wine bottles and oil bottles.
The security tag with a longer rope is more suitable for larger cans such as milk powder cans.
Bottle security tags with plastic ropes are generally only applied to wine bottles. Because plastic ropes are relatively short, they are only applied to bottles with short calibers. For milk powder cans and other large-radius bottles, there will be different milk powder security covers to protect
Bottle security tags with steel ropes can be divided into different types according to the radius of the bottle to be protected, such as wine bottle security tags,
Liquor bottle security tag, oil bottle security tags, milk powder cans security tags, and so on.
The security anti-theft tag placed on the top of the milk powder can
Anti-theft security tag placed on the bottom of the milk powder can